Kasus Pernikahan Sejenis dalam Perspektif Hukum Moral John Calvin


  • Imelda Ginting Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Injili Internasional





ABSTRACT: This article will firstly discuss in brief about the fact of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender), situational ethics as its foundation for justification, and the community which fights for the legalization of the same-sex marriage. In this section, I will explain on the foundation which is used for justification of same-sex marriages legalization. After that, I will give a review on John Calvins moral law to assess whether the foundation which is used for that justification is appropriate. The finding of this article is that same-sex marriages legalization does not have an appropriate foundation according to Calvins moral law. Therefore, this cannot be accepted by the church. KEYWORDS: same-sex marriage, moral law, John Calvin.


Data terunduh belum tersedia.


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Calvin, Institutes, 2.8.14. Ayat Alkitab yang dikutip Calvin untuk mendukung pergertian di atas adalah Yeremia 31:33, Matius 22:32 dan Maleaki 1: 6.

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Calvin, Institutes, 2.5.15 dan Augustine, Sermon CLVI.11.11 (MPL 38.855 f.;tr LF Sermons II.769). This is the passage referred to in the last sentence of this section. See also On Rebuke and Grace ii.4 (MPL 44.918; tr NPNF V.473) dalam Calvin, Institutes, 2.5.15.

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Cara Mengutip

Ginting, I. (2016). Kasus Pernikahan Sejenis dalam Perspektif Hukum Moral John Calvin. Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama Dan Masyarakat, 3(1), 140. https://doi.org/10.33550/sd.v3i1.33